Internal Talks – always a challenge!

Nine of us attended this year’s PAGE conference in Rome: Lorenzo, Elisa, Federico, Roberto, Elio, Elena, Daniele, Luca, Stefano. An important presence for this event that takes place every year in a different location in Europe, for a small research Foundation like our’s. But we have been brilliantly represented!
Lorenzo Dasti presented the talk in the title.
And here you go with the posters: Elio Campanile: Supporting the development and optimization of mRNA-encoded therapeutics through a multiscale Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform
Elena Righetti: A mechanistic model of pure and lipid-mediated alpha-synuclein aggregation to advance therapeutic strategies against Parkinson’s disease
Stefano Giampiccolo: Supporting the development and optimization of mRNA-encoded therapeutics through a multiscale Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform
Daniele Boaretti: Towards an integrated mPBPK/PD model for drug-optimization and prediction of relapse after treatment of tuberculosis in mice
Roberto Visintainer: stormTB: SimulaTOR of a murine Minimal-pbpk model for anti-TB drugs
One talk and 5 posters. Isn’t that great?