PAGE – Population Approach Group Europe 2024

Pub. date
July 3, 2024

"A Quantitative System Pharmacology model for the development and optimization of mRNA vaccines"

Nine of us attended this year’s PAGE conference in Rome: Lorenzo, Elisa, Federico, Roberto, Elio, Elena, Daniele, Luca, Stefano. An important presence for this event that takes place every year in a different location in Europe, for a small research Foundation like our’s. But we have been brilliantly represented!

Lorenzo Dasti presented the talk in the title.

And here you go with the posters: Elio Campanile: Supporting the development and optimization of mRNA-encoded therapeutics through a multiscale Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform
Elena Righetti: A mechanistic model of pure and lipid-mediated alpha-synuclein aggregation to advance therapeutic strategies against Parkinson’s disease
Stefano Giampiccolo: Supporting the development and optimization of mRNA-encoded therapeutics through a multiscale Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform
Daniele Boaretti: Towards an integrated mPBPK/PD model for drug-optimization and prediction of relapse after treatment of tuberculosis in mice
Roberto Visintainer: stormTB: SimulaTOR of a murine Minimal-pbpk model for anti-TB drugs

One talk and 5 posters. Isn’t that great?


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